thelifecentertx.org • tlcdonor.org

Cora Rodriguez, Restoration Director
Contact the Life Center!
M.A.R.Y. Mentoring provides a supportive, non-judgmental enviroment for young moms ages 15-23 who are sharing similar life experiences.
M.A.R.Y. Mentoring empowers and equips young moms to be confident, responsible, Christ-centered parents.
M.A.R.Y. Mentoring offers :
– help in discovering who you were created to be
– tools to establish healthy relationships
– encouragement for building a successful future
M.A.R.Y. Mentoring benefits :
– connections and support from other young moms
– food, fun, and free childcare
– spiritual support and prayer
– diapers, monthly food bags, and other opportunities
In Midland meetings take place at The First Baptist Church of Midland from 6:00 to 8:15 p.m. on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, from September to May.
In Odessa meetings take place at The Life Center of Odessa from 6:00 to 8:15 p.m. on the second and fourth Mondays of each month, from September to May.
Want to be a M.A.R.Y mom? If you’re a young mom looking for a safe place to grow physically, emotionally, and spiritually, contact us today!
email: marymentoring@thelifecentertx.org
Meeting dates, times and locations are listed on our Facebook page .